Unify your sales team around recognition & rewards in Slack

Arcade integrates within your sales team Slack channels to elevate employee engagement, recognition, and culture without any heavy lifting.

Best part, Arcade is completely FREE. Schedule a demo today!


  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Gamified Contests
  • Unlimited Rewards
  • Unlimited Recognition
  • Slack + Teams Integration
*5% Fee on reward topups under $5,000

Connect with all team members

Build teams no matter their location with stronger internal communication methods. Collaborate on- the-go and chat from your mobile device. Our desktop and mobile platforms make it easy to give your company’s communication and employee engagement a boost.

When you add gamification to your employee communication program through Arcade, you can create powerful motivators to keep everyone in the loop. Giving your team rewards for staying on top of notifications and other activities can help improve your internal communication, strengthen your corporate culture, and make it easier to retain the best and brightest.

Companies Maximizing Sales Productivity with Arcade

Built for


Account Executives

Customer Success

Team games: Engaged!

Conveniently enhance employee engagement and performance at the speed of work, in real-time.

The Gaming Inspired:
Salesforce Experience

Quick & Easy Contests

Kick-off sales contests to drive towards any Salesforce metrics or goals. Tap into the power of Salesforce gamification.

Built for your Business

Launch games and contests that work best for your teams and employees. Set custom incentives that drive revenue growth. With Arcade, you have access to unlimited benchmarks and Salesforce custom objects - it's easy to gamify your Salesforce data.

Always On Access

Teams, employees and managers keep tabs on business performance with easily accessible leaderboards.

Friendly Camaraderie

With Arcade-powered contests, you can increase sales productivity, boost team effectiveness and enhance employee engagement.

High-Performing Revenue Machine

Celebrate anything (peer-to-peer or manager-to-peer) from client victories, deals, contests, and individual objectives in real-time, directly within Slack, Teams or Arcade.

Transparent Tracking

Readily available reporting helps cultivate a culture of motivation and responsibility. Tracking is simple with Salesforce gamification tools like leaderboards and personal metrics dashboards.

Real-Time Rewards

From memorable experiences, to company lunches, or vacation days - the freedom of choice is the ultimate reward.

Cross-Company Communication

Easily find employees via the Player Directory and post real-time information on game statuses, news and more. Keep everyone in the loop on Slack, Teams or Arcade.

Create An Unbeatable Culture

Easily tap into the motivations and goals of each rep by giving them the power of choice, communication and growth opportunities. Not to mention the ability to show off their personality on their My Profile page.

Notifications that
never miss a beat

Stay in-the-know with clickable notifications that keep you updated and active.

Foster an encouraging team mentality and culture

Recognize solid employee performance and behavior with shout-outs and rewards that keep players engaged and motivated.

Connect to where
work happens

Easily integrated into your work channels - creating cohesion for connection, collaboration, community, and culture.

is key

Chat directly or in group threads to squash objectives, close deals, recognize accomplishments, and team build with the help of our internal communication program.

Free e-book

Drive motivation and level up employee engagement using our e-book, Employee Engagement: Building a Team That Wants to Be There

Download e-book

Become chat champions


Tag individuals or teams to recognize stellar performance or optimize connection.

Post types

Organize posts into
convenient categories.

Rich text editing

Formatting matters. Provide more effective internal communication in our chat platform.

Gifs and stickers

If a picture's worth a thousand words, a gif is worth a million. Team build with shareable content.

Priority notifications

Setting up chat notifications keeps employees engaged and ready for action.

Request a Demo

See how 1,000+ sales leaders are using Arcade to increase results and earnings.

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