Getting Started with Arcade

As you begin to use Arcade Unlimited, we're here to provide you with information to help you along your journey.
Refer to the docs below to help answer some questions about the features and functionality.

Newsfeed Notifications

Champions and Managers can configure what notifications are sent to the Global Newsfeed in the Manage section, under Admin in the left side panel, under “Settings” then select "Notifications."

Then you will see the “Global Notification Settings” where you can select “All Notifications Enabled” to send all notifications to the Global Newsfeed. You can also customize the notifications sent to the Global Newsfeed by selecting “Select Notifications Enabled” and checking or unchecking specific notifications.

If you have Slack or GroupMe connected, Global Newsfeed posts will also go to the selected group or channel.

If you would like to customize the Global Slack Channel and GroupMe Group Selections head to the Integrations tab and scroll down to Communication Integrations. For more information on the Slack or GroupMe integration, see our Integrations page.

Questions about Newsfeed notifications? Contact Arcade support at or use the pink "?" button to submit a support request.