Getting Started with Arcade

As you begin to use Arcade Unlimited, we're here to provide you with information to help you along your journey.
Refer to the docs below to help answer some questions about the features and functionality.

Token Awards

Any user can award tokens to another user from their personal balance. This is a great way for players to recognize other players, but also for managers to recognize their players!

Player to Player Token Awards

To award tokens select Players, and then Player Directory.

Once in the Player Directory, hover over the use that you would like to give a token award to.

Then the following screen will pop up, with options to select for how many tokens you would like to give the user, your custom message, and if you would like to announce your token award to the team. For more on team notification settings, see our Newsfeed Notifications page.

Below is an example of how the token award will show up on the user’s personal newsfeed.

The user then can easily select the Rewards Shop button on their token award to go to the Shop and redeem their tokens for rewards!

Manager Token Awards

Champions can set monthly token balances for Managers, who can then use their budget to complete token awards to players. For more information on token management see our Managing Tokens page.

To award tokens from your monthly budget, select Manage, and then navigate to the Player Directory. When you select a player you will then see that tokens will be awarded from the monthly token budget, not the personal balance.

Questions about token awards? Contact Arcade support at or use the pink "?" button to submit a support request.